Looking to the future for best executables and results that show the way as far as where the greater world is going to be in the year 2040. Part time capsule, part visionary mind, Vision 2040 is designed so that interested parties can get involved with where topics like health information technology (HIT), are going to transpire, amongst other areas of design. The interesting thing about thinking about the next decade and a half, as of this writing, as being a part of controlled designation, is that the people who partake in thinking about this virtual milestone, can also be a part of something stable and concrete. When you hear there’s little time to act, this couldn’t be further to the truth, as concerned industry professionals in other areas like sustainability and climate change, all have significant goals themselves to reach. Without over planning, Vision 2040 is set to create a futuristic monolithic, so that the market guides Tyner Group, in a way, as far as areas of market development that are out of reach. With this type of future scenario development, new technologies can form, as can new industries which have never been fathomed; this is Vision 2040.