Intellectual Property & Docket (Law) Imprint by Tyner Group Limited London Via The Five Senses By Ian Tyner • Tyner Group Legal Engine° is a trading style of Tyner Group • Insight, Disclosures, Organisations and Legalese
Engage with Tyner Group: an intangible insight centre
Securing the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR°) for the creations of Ian Tyner’s personal endeavours (including but not limited to patents, trade marks, copyrights, and design rights), while promoting, and executing the usage of intangibles in compliance and ethicality; through education and multiplier materials, legal frameworks, innovation interoperable incorporations and imprints, and problem solution approaches to identifiable issues via sourcing and primary design.
Evaluating an asset as far as the typologic gradient of interest or the characteristics, can take some time, given how many artistic pathways are now available for execution and implementation. What this means for the collector or investor, is that as the marketability of an asset, remains a Tyner Group asset, or asseture, or not, the value is directly tied to the compliance nav involved, like with Tyner Group’s self sovereign governance and compliant based legislation by way of intellectual property (IP).
Reaching clarity over time, takes time, as the intellectual propertisation (the process of maturation of an intangible asset), depends on the frameworkability, the audience, and the creator. While Tyner Group does seek mutually beneficial arrangements, for the most part, as a private, personal space, Ian Tyner remains as a sole operator of Tyner Group, which has its advantages if looked at through the right lens. Knowing is one thing, but experiencing why an IP property really exists, fits into the archaeologic mindframe, which can disclose its meaning and purpose in a variable market of value.
Digital Assets: anything that a computer aided in design.
Hybrid Digital Assets: part computation, part organics.
Non Digital Assets: all natural designation.
There are countless ways to generate additional value of a thing; the application like the process, can be deemed as worth more than time spent to create such a thing, or in economical standards, a cost value time ratio, which serves customers better product in the mediumised span. These projections like the curvatures of a time frame, can be easily identified, once assets are secured, and the embedded value is defined.
No two assets can be alike, even in a large market, which shows that in a creator based world, a creation has no imitation issues, but go to market reachability and distribution networking problems, which can be solved through passive relationship building and network measurability. With this said, post education, these are what issues small and medium sized businesses and enterprise (SMBE) face, and is where Tyner Group assists, for itself and others.
The reason why the Five Senses jurisdiction was created, was because or connectivity errors within the global and local levels of marketing, and is a complexity which serves all levels of glocal governance, so that as a whole, Tyner Group can better operate essentially in diplomatic standardisations, and the exchange of value is optimised, while promoting inclusivity in a multicultural perception of the world, and adding new geographies as needed, so that the winds of trade can reach new places, and the existence of geo for the Five Senses offers new spatial adjectivities for renewed diplomacies and tranquilities.
In order to build bridges and canals, virtually, Tyner Group’s Pixel Explorer, is designed so that the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), can remain at optimum, as a Supply Chain Management (SCM) app. The way it works is that each pixel of an asset is catalogued against other geographical assets, like maps, and the value is determined, not necessarily an arbitrary value, but a valuative. Then with any given system, the pixels can be translated in open coordinates, at the fastest rate possible. No lag, no translation problems, and no differential loss. With Pixel Explorer, the community’s moderation, serves as another layer of fluency, much like the simplicity of how the WWW (World Wide Web), was initially designed.
The real rationale behind looking at the world through a navigational one, is that because of how migration of ideas and people has taken over from the traditional goods and services, space is at a premium, and the historical space race, hasn’t faltered; what has changed, is how humans and their beliefs are transported, leading the way for virtual storage, always. You can look at a Pixel Explorer through different viewpoints, and consequently, its asset, is more than enough durable, to serve through all computations, and interpretations of what it means to be a part of the supply chain(s), and the endpoints of all that is delivered.
Arksmith°: an asseture by Tyner Group
A wonderful aspect of the new dawn of technologics is the world which was created ahead of schedule, and in the old world, that many may never know. What creations of the third evolution of era, have become, were so far advanced, that only the Arksmith°, knew how to convey the realities of this parallel timesphere.
Many have cleared entire memories and foundations in the journeyman line; some of whom did not return to full capacity, and others that could never tell the difference after enlightening the ones that were already there in the millenniasquare.
It is the task of all who populate the sacred areas to know what is what, as discovery is the most amazing part of the viewage of the Arksmith°, and the separation of good and evil does not hold any resemblance, or so it seems, as deemed by the observator and the spectacle to and fore other worlds themselves.
This asseture is good example of where the future of asset generation goes, which is a storyline or advanced meaning, at different scales. Think of this type of asset as another class usable for creatives.
In a post “geograph” world, Margin Two Networking is a good solutive for reaching new markets, who aggregate in ethics and compliance, while other jurisidictions, apart from the Five Senses, can utilise the best use cases in fair trade, screening, and reference(ing).
For the most part, networks compute, but for the latest innovations, this is where it can be difficult to reach such note worthy places, if they’re on the map, and then, not really on the map.
This is geo apolitic; via the Five Senses and in accordance with what Margin Two Networking represents: a typologic relay, for small scale entrepreneurs, who dream big.
With @IO, look for the smallest square, and the rest of the messaging stands for itself.
Margin Two Networking is an easy way for individuals and companies to get to the next stage of their own network.
The arts and yours truly
Apart from the avant garde, fine art is just another way for Tyner Group to communicate meaning in such a complexity of existence. This existential fragmentation is where moving in a philanthropic direction, as far as building a place where new students who want to get further acquainted with the Tyner Group space, without worrying about a lack of vision, or multiculturalism.
With this said, there is no better way to relay substance than with the arts, and so, and because of this, Tyner Group is on a continual trek to research, and search, and build, and create.
When people say, “get on the typewriter,” the audience has to be there: the main purpose of blogging is to create a communicative array, and show that with the right coalescence, publishing on a blog, in the golden era(s), is a powerful tool for self and societal expression.
Why it is important to stay literate, to gain literacy in another subject, and to have a good gesture to the literati, is because of how simplex the internet and intraweb can be, and also revealing as things advance.
Leading me (Ian), to ask: what do you think about intellectual property generally speaking as far becoming advanced?
Brief disclaimer
Thanks for your attention, and best of wishes to all who partake, not just in the Tyner Group manifestation, but in their own regards.
Tyner Group: sharing what is needed to advance the intellectual property vertical, while developing nootropic advancements in diverse horizontals, all while being a mini conglomerate, and universe.
Please read the Tyner Group legalities and let the rest guide you. Cheers….
in•tan•gi•ble (ĭn-tănˈjə-bəl): the conceptual narrative that creates new value, which was previously undiscovered.
Up to 75% of a company’s value can be attributed to intangibles. Tyner Group facilitates this growth.