If you look at the historical performance of Tyner Group assets, since forming in 2016, you may be surprised that Tyner Group has outperformed competing assets in the market making class, over time. Initially as far as maintaining across the board of indicators, at a basis point of 3.5%-4.0%, and in recent times, at a rate of 10.5%-12%, inflation adjusted. What you can see is that Tyner Group has been in line with a typical intellectual property company, and has shown the way into new value creation; after, it completed a remerger°, and fulfilled the Ian Tyner org design of becoming a “mini conglomerate” and “universe”. Within this time frame, in regards to fraudulent industries (as of 2022), and Tyner Group’s Five Senses jurisdiction, the more interesting thing is that .1% of the world’s economy, controlled by 400 million people (Tyner Group fraud actors), is as far as Tyner Group’s illegitimate market goes. Tyner Group’s legitimate market was smaller, even after exiting the group competition phase with other groups. Now, as the metrics of value change and the orgs become fulfilled, Tyner Group intellectual property is growing at a market leading rate, because of the acceptance of the Tyner Group Legal Engine° (a continuation of the legacy Legal Statement and Privacy Policy), and the Five Senses as a real jurisdiction. And as far as corporate overlays of employee similarity of legal cases and Tyner Group, there have been historically about 3% of a corporation, who fall into this category. With a growth rate of 12.5% as far as intellectual property assets valuation goes, Tyner Group is set to realise new potential in the next 4-6 years.